How to Reset IP Camera Without the Reset Button

If you are unable to reset the IP camera using the reset button, then there are still other ways to reset it without the reset button. There are complete processes described in detail with step-wise procedures to follow and reset your IP camera.

To reset an IP camera without using the reset button, you need to disconnect it from the power outlet to turn it off and start your process for resetting.

How to reset ip camera without button

Pre-Settings for Reset The IP Address of a Camera

Manufacturing guidance: When you buy the camera, you are given a manual or provided complete guidance about the camera on the manufacturer’s website. Each manufacturer company has its unique procedures and settings. Complete guides are written on it.
Camera Network basics: Based on the static or dynamic IP of the camera or default IP address set by the manufacturer, which helps in setup or reset. Check for the IP is connected with correct subnet of your network.
Camera Access Method: Learn about your camera specification such that it will reset using a physical button or web-based reset settings. Many cameras have separate software to access manual settings.
Tools: Some special tools help in connectivity. Advanced, Angry IP Scanners are used to find cameras available on the network to connect. Another CMD tool, ARP Commands ‘arp -a’ used to check connected devices.

Use ping commands to test connectivity of camera.

Method 1: Reset the IP Camera by Removing the Components

Let’s learn in detail from a brief procedure stepwise guide on unplugging to reset the camera.

  1. First, Turn off the button of the power supply to the camera and unplug the camera from the switchboard.

  2. If your camera contains a removable battery then make sure to take it out.

  3. Now, the power supply to the camera is stopped, Put down the camera for the rest of the 20 minutes.

  4. When some time happens while unplugged, reinsert the battery after completing the time of rest.

  5. Plug in the camera with the power source and turn switched on.

  6. Wait for some time for the camera to boot up.

  7. After some while, it started to establish a connection to the network.

  8. When all processes are done, now reconfigure your camera settings as per your preferences.

There are also several other methods to follow and reset your camera. If you are not satisfied with the above method then choose below, maybe one of them will help you in going through your problems.

Also Read: How to Recover Photos and Videos from Formatted SD Card

Method 2: How to Reset IP Camera using Computer/Laptop (using code)

Reset IP Camera using Code

Reset your camera by connecting it to your computer and importing a code to send messages to reset it using the command prompt.

However, the problem is that it depends on the programming language and library being used by camera models.

Using HTTPS Request:

It is simple and easy to reset an IP camera using code, but only needed knowledge of the camera`s IP and HTTPS programmatical requirements. Use a library like a cURL in C/C++ to directly request on HTTPS to reset the camera IP address without a reset button.

Access IP camera with OpenCV:

The main thing needed in this process is an IP camera URL format to send a message to reset. If the IP URL Format turns out to be wrong then you won’t get the desired output. Prepare pre-resetting information required after resetting the IP Camera. Configuring DNS and port forwarding, security settings, router configuration, and access methods.

  1. You need to run the code given in the below context and one more thing is needed to do. It’s that,
  2. Replace: http://your_ip_camera_url_here URL with Your IP Camera URL in the below code.
  3. Here is a sample code snippet that you can modify according to your camera’s specifications.
Remember to update default settings just after resetting IP address.

Code for C++ programming

#include <opencv2/OpenCV.hpp>
int main() 
    cv::VideoCapture cap("http://your_ip_camera_url_here");
    if (!cap.isOpened()) 
        std::cout << "Error opening IP camera stream!" << std::endl;
        return -1;
    cv::Mat frame;
    while (true) 
        cap >> frame;
        if (frame.empty())
        // Process the frame as needed
        cv::imshow("IP Camera Stream", frame);
        if (cv::waitKey(1) == 27)
            break; // Exit on ESC key
    return 0;

Code for Python programming

import requests # Import the requests library in Python
camera_ip = '' # Replace with your camera's IP address
username = 'admin' # Replace with your camera's username
password = '1234' # Replace with your camera's password
response = requests.get(f'http://{username}:{password}@{camera_ip}/reset') # Send a GET request to the camera's IP address with the /reset endpoint
if response.status_code == 200: # Check if the request was successful
    print('Camera reset successfully') # Print a confirmation message
    print('Camera reset failed') # Print an error message


There are some most recommended methods to reset your camera without using the reset button of the camera or in a situation when the camera reset button is broken or not working, you can use those methods to simply reset your IP Camera.

For your kind information, this method is used on different models of cameras and then suggested for you to use in the guide of us and stay safe from fraud.

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Abhishek is a highly accomplished and experienced software developer and engineer with a degree in Computer Science also has 6+ years of dedicated experience in the field of blogging. He specializes in computer science fundamentals, programming, and technology. He is great at solving problems using computers and can explain tricky technical things in a way that's easy to understand and use.

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