What to do if Amazon Prime Delivery is Late?


Amazon Prime members have to pay $139/year for expedited delivery, and no member would want late delivery.

Refund policy

Amazon Prime does not promote a refund policy for late delivery, but you can ask for a refund for shipping fees.

Get some extras

Some customers will get extra perks like a free month of Prime, $5 to $20 gift certificates, or 20% off Prime membership.

Contact Amazon

Contact Amazon The purpose of the Contact Us page for the company. Address issues by chat or call.

Customer Service

When speaking with customer service, you will need to confirm that your product has been purchased and has not arrived.

Pushback a little

Some people enjoy extra features, so pushback a little and understand why the delay is causing the problem.

Don't use Twitter

It's OK to complain on Twitter, but Amazon discourages it. Use the customer service page for resolution.

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